Principles and goals

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Attitude to life

The dignity of all people is inviolable.
It is despicable to take advantage of, mock, ridicule or humiliate people.
There are basic rules of fairness and justice to other people and to yourself. People need equality, basic trust, harmony, attention and reason.
The rule is that violence is only self-defense and no means no.
Demonstrations must be handicapped accessible and non-violent.

100% Equality between women and men.
Peoples, cultures and communities with total equality live safely and in peace.

Family, friends, like-minded people for affection and conversation.
Man is a social being.

Basic trust
Perceive and judge one's environment in a differentiated manner with optimistic confidence.

Recognize the relationship between cause and effect or action and reaction.

Rules and Ethics
Nobody is above law and morality.

Main objectives

Securing the future:

1. Nature Conservation
2. Alternative energies
3. Unconditional basic care
4. Crisis preparedness
5. Free educational opportunities
6. Free and publicly monitored justice
7. Exploring the universe
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